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Copyright and privacy

Content on this site is protected under the copyright laws of Canada. This extends to all text, photographs, graphics and any other relevant media. The content and images on this site cannot be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright holder.

Copyright on many of the historical photos, with the exception of those under Crown Copyright, has expired and they are now in the public domain. Please refer to the credits and sources.


We respect your privacy. We also detest spammers.

Information gathered through email inquiries and any other type of correspondence will only be used for the purpose responding to your message.

Your personal information will never be sold or reused for any type of commercial gain.

Minimum browser requirements for best viewing are Firefox and IE6.
The menu and gallery were based on examples available at cssplay.
Except where noted, content © Jeri Danyleyko & Johnnie Bachusky, all rights reserved.